PET International

PET International Mini-Newsletter 1.1 September 2011

Annual Meeting hosted September 23&24 by PET-KS Moundrige

The PET International Annual Meeting and Related Workshop Conference were held on September 23 & 24, hosted by our Affiliate, PET KS-Moundridge at Eden Mennonite Church in Moundridge. The workshop sessions included:

  • PET Transportation & Distribution
  • Shop Safety Training for Volunteers
  • Central America Mobility Partnership Project
  • Book review of Parag Khanna, How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance
  • Standardization
  • Long Range Planning
  • Effective Fundraising For a Sustainable PET Ministry
  • Telling Your Workshop Story

At the open Trustees meeting, PET MN-Twin Cities was approved as a new PET Affiliate. See the detailed agenda and workshop descriptions. – Ed McDonald

Over 300 PET carts arrive in Dakar, Senegal

On Sunday September 4th a large consignment of PET carts arrived in Dakar, Senegal via our partner the US Navy’s Project Handclasp. This joint project has been in planning for nearly a year. Our distribution partners in Senegal are CBN Afrique and Mission Inter Senegal, (MIS). The following PET Affiliates combined their efforts to supply this donation: 1. PET MO-Columbia 2. PET NY-East Jewett 3. PET TN-Memphis 4. PET TX-Luling/Brazos Valley. We want to say thank you to the many different people and organizations that had a part in getting this gift of mobility to the disabled in Senegal. – Von Driggs [more photos from Project Handclasp]

Lions Districts in India receive 550 donated PET carts

September 19 - This past July the Mt. McKinley Lions Club (49A-Alaska) again sponsored an exhibit booth for PET International at the Annual Lions International Convention in Seattle, Washington. Through this opportunity, PET International has expanded its partnerships in India to include the following five Lion Districts: 322F, 322 B2, 322 B1, 322 C1 and 322 C2. The Lions in India are collaborating together to import three 40’ cargo containers of PET carts for the disabled in their districts. One load has been sent from the PET Affiliate in Tampa, FL. PET TX-Luling/Brazos Valley contributed 65 PET carts to complete the shipment. The other two containers have been sent from PET FL-Penney Farms. PET MO-Columbia forwarded the carts needed for one of these two shipments from Penney Farms. PET International would like to acknowledge past District Governor Suraj Bagla from District 322 B1 in Kolkata for his continued commitment to assist in the planning and importation of the donated PET carts. We pray that this gift of mobility will add great benefit to the lives of the disabled in India who will receive them. – Von Driggs [more photos]

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