
* You live in a rural area where a wheel chair just will not work

* Your child lost a leg after stepping on a land mine

* Your spouse lost a leg due to diabetes

* You have to drag yourself for hours to reach a spot to beg


 Mobility Worldwide's vision


*   Understand the need for Mobility Carts

* See volunteers in action in a MW-Austin shop

* Show you how a Mobility Cart CAN change a life.

* Show how you can help

Betty PET smallerIf you would like to be a part of this effort, you can do it by donating time:

Go to our Volunteer Page

Or if you would like to contribute to our operation:

Go to our Donate Page

Unlike wheelchair wheels, the wide Mobility Cart tires are functional in rural areas with dirty/muddy roads.

The area behind the seat provides a carrying space.

Completed Mobility Carts are distributed by organizations affiliated with Mobility Worldwide.

The disabled person peddles and steers the Moility Cart with the hand peddles.