Seun's visit to Bethany UMC
Seun visited Bethany on Saturday night for a reception and on Sunday Morning for both Sunday School hours. In all cases, she was a hit with everyone.
To the left Seun is talking to the Sunday School group with Von Driggs.
Seun formed a special bond with Susan Lamb (one of our volunteers). Seun is the last recorded case of polio in Nigeria and Susan was one of the last recorded cases of polio in the US.
As a part of Seun's visit, we collected offerings to send a container of PETs (160) to Nigeria in Seun's honor. The amount needed to achieve this was $4800 and we collected just over $2400 on Sunday with additional donations coming in over the next week or so. If you did not get a chance while she was here and would like to help with this special effort, click on this donate button and send in a donation or drop an offering in the plate at Bethany with "PET/Seun shipping" on the memo line.